Monday, September 26, 2005

Happy Fall

Stephen started a new job today hope all works out very well at this new place.
Kalen will have this week off from pre-school they are having new management come in and they don't want the chidlren there. So I have both at home once again just when we were digging ourselves into a nice fall routine. Argh what can be said about change. It is such a good thing. You need to view it as a fresh start, a new beginning, a new exciting season upon us. However you see change it is inevitable it will occur regardless. K- will be attending her second class in dance this week, we had to change to a different day during the week as the dance teacher was booked solid on overload with a muliptude of young girl dancers. S- will be attending his third week at the toy-library. He really enjoys it and it gives me a chance to meet other moms. That can be both positive and negative. Change is in the air, and perhaps long over due. It is just so hard when you set the bar so high with the old friendships you have/had in the past, how can anyone compare? Its a tough one for certain. Happy Fall~