Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Valentine's Day

2007 winter storm nor'easter...its a blizzard for the love of pete!
Snow Ice and a lovely mix by the time I had to drag my ass into work tonight. Hate winter...wrong state thats for certain.

Anyway, this holiday we call Valentines Day is today a mist of the 07-winter fury "blizzard".

A new tradtion I began is that St.Valentines comes the eve of to our house and brings delights to my children...(aka mama is st.valentine) by 5am the surprise and happiness abounds as I slowly make the first pot of coffee of the day..., by 7am the sugar kick is in full swing..Next year more crafty items less sugary goodness for the sweet kiddos!!! Oh vey===

The joys of the day are wonderous and the memories of the first time my dh brought me red roses to my work on our very 1st love day together..or when I had my ultra sound four years ago only to discover"It's a boy!".

May we all have such strong and beautiful love in our hearts, whatever may be the weather.

Let's count the day till springtime shall we?