Thursday, June 30, 2005

Capt.Destructo & his Sidekick

Let it be known that I adore, cherish and love my kids with every fiber of my being. However since we have lost our sense of routine with Kalen out of school, all chaos has completely taken over. I guess that would be my own damn fault. It's summer and things are just wild around here. Everything seems to get broken or destroyed. Stephen just about breaks everything he manages to get his little toddler hands on. It is driving me crazy!!!! I try to do crafts, and coloring with crayons and markers, craft foam projects. On hot days I set the pool up and we enjoy the swing set. The in between time is crazy around here., our living room lamp has seen it's last days of worthiness as the shade has broken off. Peace only comes at nap time around here and if I am lucky they both sleep at the same time. Heaven help me.