Do you remember my old friend Sarah B?
She spoke at the church at our wedding? She gave me a surprise phone call late last night.., it was so nice to hear from her, it had been years..She lives in Q with her four year old son Nickolas...She works as a secretary at a real estate office....
We talked for a long time...She is a single mom and gets no help from the father...
They were married in Greece 4 yrs ago.., but just got a divorce...sad.....She gets no help from ANYONE...I met her in 1996 at C&W in Dedham...I do give her credit..
Her strong faith remains and her spirituality has grown through the years. I remember how many great times we shared, how I valued her friendship, how she has always accepted me for me and would never want it any other way. How rare is that? I remember her Christmas and NewYears Eve Parties at her old apartment., how much of a blast we had. Our long talks about finding future husband and starting families one day. She is an angel in disguise that girl.
I will pick up a small ham at Shaw's tomm.....
Do you think I can find one under 10.00$....????
Just in case...I could always make a ham dinner on Monday, when we get home...If I have enough energy to whip up a post Christmas Ham Dinner. Just is not Christmas without a "Christmas Ham"
I think Stephen wants to go regardless if it snows or not......Will see....To ME It is just plain crazy and reckless to drive in the snow or a "wintry mix" and endanger our lives just to spend cmas day with family. Is it worth it?
He has the truck today.
I have his playgroup in the morning and her dance in the afternoon...
Nice to just get caught up with laundry and some little cleaning today.