So I created a blueberry picking monster!!!!! I wanted to hike Beech Hill on Saturday so we did, as a family one mile up one mile back down..Watch out for the sumac and the ivy..The birds and the view were infamoulsy priceless. Mountains on one side and the endless blue ocean on the other. It was breathtakingly magnificent.
The chidlren seemed to enjoy it but in hindsight it was too much for them. We had the very best blueberry pancakes the next morning. The my dear husband gets another idea., "hey let's go get more!" So Sunday morning off we went again. However this time we found a simpler short cut and much easier outlet to pick some more wild organic blueberry's. He made the very best pie later in the day too. The house smelled like a heavenly blueberry factory! What a great family weekend we had.
4 C. Blueberries
1 C. Sugar
3/4 C. Cold water
5 tbsp. Flour
1 (9") baked pie shell
Whipped cream, as desired
Pinch of salt
Mix together 1/4 cup cold water, 5 tablespoons flour and salt; set aside. Bring to a boil 1 cup blueberries, sugar and 1/2 cup water; add the flour paste, stir and cook until thick. Cool. Add remaining berries, pour into cooked pie shell. Serve with a topping of whipped cream.