Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Back To School

Kalen needs to go back! I am counting the days until she returns..,15 days!!! Yahoo-
We thrive on rountine around here, it what keeps me sane as well. She needs to be around other chidlren about her age. I am very depressed she is not heading off to kindergarten, the fact that she is eager, willing and beyond ready to go dampens my spirits doesn't make matters any better. I need to be strong and happy so she is still excited about going back, so she can thrive and be enthusiastic about what she is learning, even though she is far brighter then her school mates at this stage in the game. If she regresses or becomes bored I will push and challenge her teachers to give her more vigorous activities and projects. I hope she has a very good and quick 10 months. One plus is that she will have a pre-school graduation next June and that thrills me to no end.